DJ Paul Murton Toronto @ The Vic Pub

DJ Paul Murton Toronto @ The Vic Pub

DJ Paul Murton Toronto @ The Vic Pub

As a DJ in The Vic Pub, The New College Pub, and Hart House in the 70’s, what I witnessed at University of Toronto probably wasn’t much different than what the DJ’s on today’s UofT campuses see. Kids who are half kids/half adults, just leaving the protective bosoms of their parents, living on Kraft Dinner and beer, and having the times of their lives. Every night, there’s at least one fight (often over a girl), at least one drunk young lady ends up sobbing, and the floors get sticky… SOOOO STICKY. The bathrooms are beyond description. As much as it was kind of the same thing every night, it was still an absolute blast. The pub-goers were entering a whole new stage of life, and, each fall, one after another, deer in headlights, would walk in, jaw dropping to the ground at the sheer possibilities of what could happen in the months ahead. And I got to provide the soundtrack. Years later, these sobbing teens are sitting with their 20-something daughters and hear a song and start laughing… Paul Murton Toronto got to play a part in that and there is something magical about that.

This was before computers, and CD’s…it was on 7-inch Vinyl, 45-Records that lasted a maximum of 3 minutes. You had to be on the ball. There were no playlists to be had back then.. There was no way I could get away with indulging in the $0.50 beer with everyone else and keep the records playing steadily… I had to start thinking about mixing in the next song within a minute of the previous one. DJ’s these days can set a playlist, pre-mix so songs blend perfectly together, change speeds at the touch of a button.. Wasn’t like that back in the olden days. Vinyl Records have made a comeback, and as a DJ, I can see why, as they have such a deep and soulful sound, but also, as a DJ, I can’t see why any DJ would put themselves through Vinyl with today’s technology!! If you’re one of those martyrs who loves that deep and soulful sound, visit to see articles and order custom vinyl records



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